
What you should know BEFORE buying a POS system.

What you should know BEFORE buying a POS system.

If you purchase a hardware and/or software that requires you to use a specific merchant services provider, you may find yourself stuck down the road after investing quite a bit to get up and running. Always make sure you can take your solution with you if you leave...

#magothyaroundtown Birthday Bash!

#magothyaroundtown Birthday Bash!

While we're all stuck inside, let's take a look back and remember how much fun we had celebrating our 5th birthday back in September of 2019 before masks and social distancing were a thing.

Cause for Advocacy

Cause for Advocacy

Have you ever heard the saying, “One bad apple spoils the barrel?”  It’s true, ya know.  An overripe, spoiled apple will emit significantly higher levels of ethylene gas causing other apples around it to overripen as well.  We often use this saying or variations of it...

High-Dollar Declines

High-Dollar Declines

There are a number of reasons your customer's card is declined. Maybe they don't have the funds available. Perhaps you keyed in the card number wrong. It's possible that the AVS (address verification service) failed because the billing address entered is incorrect and...

Sometimes You Have To Work For Free

Sometimes You Have To Work For Free

Now, I didn't say you have to like it. But you should definitely learn from it. As a payment processor, I work in a retention industry. So, while getting a sale is great, maintaining a relationship and keeping a client is much, much better because we make money every...

What Is Visa’s EIRF?

What Is Visa’s EIRF?

If you've ever taken the time to read through a credit card processing statement in it's entirety, it's often reminiscent of Shakespeare in high school English. It's not quite a foreign language, but it feels like it is, and just when you think you know what's going...